Wednesday, September 21, 2005

June 14: Jaco

(1) As this was our last full day in Costa Rica, both Jerome and I decided to spend it doing absolutely nothing. Along the side of the hotel, we found hammocks - perfect for an afternoon of total relaxation. This position, with my legs stretched out to the sea, is how I spent the bulk of those last remaining hours. This was only interrupted by a few trips to the pool bar.

(2) Go ahead... make this your computer's desktop background. I won't mind. I mean, seriously... look at that sky. Jaco may not have been the epicenter of Costa Rican culture, but it was certainly a pleasant place to hang out.

(3) On certain nights, the manager of the hotel, along with a few other musicians, form as the Copa Cabandits. Anyone with musical talent, or something close to that, is invited to join them on stage. A few beers into the show, some of the other hotel guests finally pursuaded me to get up there. I performed two songs with the band. I cannot remember the first song we played, but they asked me to solo in the key of E... which was a lucky break for me, seeing as it is the only key in which I know how to solo. The second song, a song of my choice, was Southern Cross. It only sorta sucked.


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